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During the February 13 council meeting, Saugeen Shores Council approved a public notice report that will see the Town of Saugeen Shores tax levy set at $12,579,841 to pay for the Operating and Capital Budgets for 2017, resulting in a 4.04 percent ($484,002) levy increase over 2016.

Expenditures from both Operations and Reserves ($25,535,029) and Capital (15,591,105) total $41,126,143. However, Town revenue (Operations $14,154,688 and Capital $14,391,605) take the total down to $12,579,841 for 2017.

During the January 23 Committee of a Whole, Council approved the budget report that was created by staff. The report included Operating Budget service level enhancements and donations that were directed by Council for Town staff.

• Economic Development & Strategic Communication Operating Budget ($25,000 funded from the Tax Levy)
• Economic Development Strategic Plan ($30,000 funded from the Tax Stabilization Reserve)
• Office 2016 Software Upgrade ($23,500 funded from the Tax Stabilization Reserve)
• Design Guidelines Review ($20,000 funded from the Tax Stabilization Reserve)
• Conversion of the Engineering GIS contract position to full-time ($20,720 funded from the Tax Levy)
• Waste Management Master Plan ($25,000 funded from the Waste Management Reserve)
• Sanitary Collection System Condition Assessment ($50,000 funded from the Sanitary Reserve)
• Storm Water Master Plan ($80,000 funded from Development Charges)
• AutoCAD Civil 3d Software Licence ($4,000 funded from the Tax Levy)
• Community Services staff complement ($30,000 for wages & benefits for a seasonal position to be funded from the Tax Levy)
• Bike Friendly Initiatives ($9,000 funded from donations & the Tax Levy)
• Building Condition Assessments ($6,000 funded from the Facilities Improvement Reserve)
• Curly Leaf Pondweed – Fairy Lake ($10,000 funded from the Tax Levy)
• Harbour & Tourist Camp Software ($24,850 to be borrowed from the Future Capital Projects Reserve – user fees will be adjusted in 2018 to account for the loan repayment)
• Beach Grooming ($9,000 funded from the Tax Levy)
• Donation to the Southampton Tennis Club for upgrade which is on town owned property ($20,000 funded from the Tax Stabilization Reserve)
• Increase to the Operating Grant to the Saugeen Shores Chamber of Commerce ($14,000 funded from the Tax Levy)
• Canada 150th Committee Funding ($65,000 funded from the Tax Stabilization Reserve) To keep the total Tax Levy increase the same, several adjustments were made:
• Revenues were increased to reflect the increases approved in the 2017 Fees & Charges By-Law and other known increases (i.e. Library Rent)
• Payment-in-Lieu of Taxes budgets were increased to more accurately reflect actual expected revenues (these numbers have not been adjusted for a number of years)

The 2017 budget includes a $40,000 donation to the Saugeen Memorial Hospital Capital Campaign for the ER expansion. A final payment towards the Town's commitment of $200,000.

In December councillors supported the “needs and asks” that amounted to the 2017 Capital Budget forecast of $15,591,105. The highest ticket on the list comes from the proposed $5,284,822 new police detachment build on the corner of Mackenzie Street and Concession 10. The quoted cost for the build will be split by per taxable lot, $60 dollars over 20 years.

Deputy Mayor Luke Charbonneau stated February 13 that a recommendation by staff will be made in June. “Money’s in the budget, so we’re going to do something so it’s just the question of whether it’s a renovation or a new build,” said Charbonneau.

Half a million dollars in grant funding for the Southampton Coliseum facelift did not come through, so the project will be put on hold until money for the project is secure.

See: Combinations of needs and asks lead to proposed tax increase

The public notice report from the February 23 Council meeting states the Business Improvement Area levies are set at $33,000 for the Port Elgin BIA and $29,350 for Southampton BIA.