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home hardware 560The Martin’s Home Hardware float was well lit during Southampton's Santa Claus Parade, December 2.

Hub Staff

Santa and his sleigh flew down Southampton’s High Street December 2 during the annual Santa Claus Parade. Over 30 participants from the community took part, from G.C. Huston Public School students to members of the Marine Heritage Society.

Members of Southampton Rotary Club handed out candy canes, Re/Max gave out fresh baked cookies, while Tim Horton’s representatives delivered a few gift cards to those in attendance.

Float winners were as follows:

Best overall - Light the Way
Best commercial - Martin’s Home Hardware
Best Organization - Marine Heritage Society
Best Junior - G.C. Huston Public School
Best Live Animated - Onyx (G.C. Huston Public School)
Best Costume - Main Event
White Christmas Theme - Family Tide

DSCF3275 560Members of the Marine Heritage Society, including Jane Kreamer and Don Nicholson, waved to those who lined High Street to watch the annual parade December 2.

gc 560Students from G.C. Huston Public School rode, walked, and played beautiful music down High Street during the Southampton Santa Claus Parade December 2.

lakeside 560The Lakeside Southampton truck had some cute passengers and neat decals.

spirit 560The St. Paul’s and St. John’s Anglican Church float had the spirit during the Southampton Santa Claus parade.

santa 560Braving a few raindrops, Santa was still able to make it down High Street with the same jolly spirit.