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The latest edition of Saugeen Shores Snapshots.

Leaves560A path of fallen leaves along a section of the Saugeen Rail Trail in Port Elgin October 28.

Flag560The big flag in Southampton being raised before the Remembrance Day parade November 11.

Last Time560The Last Time sails past the Range Light into Southampton Harbour November 9.

geese 560A flock of Canada Geese made a stop in Saugeen Shores. They were out in full force at Gobles Grove November 3.

harbour 560Construction on the pier is in its early stages.

dogs 560Mushers and their dogs from across Ontario and Quebec attended the inaugural Dryland Sled Dog Derby at MacGregor Point Provincial Park November 12 and 13. Andrea Williamson photo

Super moon560The full moon shines bright over our community. On November 14 it was the closest and largest full moon since 1948.

See: MacGregor played host to inaugural dog sled event

For previous editions of Snapshots, click here.