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water 560Saugeen First Nation Band Council would like to invite everyone to participate in a Unity Walk on Tuesday, November 15 in support of the Standing Rock Tribe, Water Protectors acting against the Dakota Access Pipeline and the resulting destruction of their burial grounds. Some of the participants have gone to Standing Rock in person as directed by the Band Council.

In a November 11 media release, participants will be encouraged to wear blue tops in recognition of the fact that Water is Life. Signs are welcome. There will also be drummers and dancers in regalia involved. This will be a peaceful event, will not be closing roads and has support from the OPP and Saugeen Shores Police. Saugeen Band Councillors will be doing a deputation at the Saugeen Shores Council meeting on Monday, November 14 at 7:30 p.m. to ask for their support and participation as well.

There are two locations from which to participate in the Walk: Saugeen First Nation’s Youth Centre and St. Andrews Presbyterian Church in Southampton. The GC Huston Drum Group will be drumming at the church hall prior to leaving. Designates from the two groups will join together briefly on the bridge before moving to Scubby’s Point (north side of the river mouth) for a Water Ceremony, then will be bused back to the James Mason Centre for fellowship, refreshments and further education.

People are welcome to come at any point, including just at the end of the day, at 5 p.m. for fellowship at the Rec Centre, if they can only attend after work hours. 

A few hundred participants are expected, including those from Saugeen First Nation, Neyaashiinigmiing, Owen Sound and Saugeen Shores.

12pm Group #1: Saugeen First Nation (SFN) Youth Centre: Pipe Ceremony

~1pm Group #1: Start walk to Southampton Bridge with OPP and SFN Fire Truck

1pmGroup #2: Meet at Southampton St. Andrews Presbyterian Church Hall, GC Huston Drum Group songs, refreshments

~1:50pm Group #2: Walk to Bridge for 2pm

~2pm Meet at bridge (sidewalk, not on highway)
Prayer and song
Short speeches
Move to Scubby’s Point

~2:30pm Water Ceremony

~4pm Buses from Scubby’s Point to James Mason Memorial Cultural and Recreation Centre

~5pm Speeches and education, food and fellowship

Where: Saugeen First Nation Youth Centre (Highway 21 across from Amphitheatre)
St. Andrews Presbyterian Church Hall (off Highway 21, hall on Lansdowne)
James Mason Memorial Cultural and Recreation Centre (47 French Bay Road, Saugeen First Nation)

All are invited to any part of the event, but it is asked that no photos or video to be taken during ceremonies.

To learn more, check out the Standing Rock website at standingrock.org and the Sacred Stone Camp at sacredstonecamp.org

Donations are accepted through the website:

For the camp gofundme.com/sacredstonecamp or the Sacred Stone Legal Defense fundrazr.com/campaigns/d19fAf