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deceased names 560Names of fallen soldiers and deceased veterans were etched on crosses that were adorned with poppies at the Port Elgin Cenotaph, November 11.

Hub Staff

Children lined the street and hundreds gathered at the Port Elgin Cenotaph to honour the men and women who gave their lives and served their country during the annual Remembrance Day Ceremony, hosted by the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 340.

The Legion’s Colour Guard, followed by the Kincardine Pipe and Drum Band, led the way for many Saugeen Shores veterans, who walked down Goderich Street in the annual march to the Cenotaph.

Norma Dudgeon of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 340 Port Elgin led the 2016 Remembrance Day service by welcoming all in attendance with the national anthem, O Canada being sung by Erin Milley-Patey, while trumpeters Sasha Morano and Riley Funston played the Last Post, before the traditional two minutes of silence.

Padre for Branch 340, Chuck Beaton, led the crowd in a prayer and benediction. The Port Elgin Air Cadets 340 Squadron then escorted those who then laid wreaths, which were symbolically laid by schools, political figures, legion members and family members of veterans.

Beaton closed the ceremony by reciting a passage from Isaiah which followed with the singing of God Save the Queen, while Norma Dudgeon thanked all those who contributed to the day and helped to “keep their memory alive.”

“It’s so nice the have the community here to support us,” said Dudgeon following the ceremony. “The teachers bring the school children and it’s just phenomenal the support we have. And it’s all about remembering our soldiers, who didn't come back, and those who are with us today.”

colour guard 560The Colour Guard led the way for veterans and legion members as well as cadet, scout and guide groups down Goderich Street in Port Elgin, November 11.

veterans 560Veterans followed the Legion Branch 340 Colour Guard and the Kincardine Pipe and Drum Band during the ceremonious walk from the Port Elgin Legion to the Cenotaph November 11.

Mike Atkinson colour guard crosses 279On the left, representing Member of Parliament Ben Lobb, Comrade Mike Atkinson gave a salute after he laid a wreath from the Federal Government during Port Elgin’s Remembrance Day ceremony. On the right, hundreds gathered at the Port Cenotaph November 11 for the annual Remembrance Day service.

Erin T 560Erin Milley-Patey sang the national anthem during the Port Elgin Remembrance Day ceremony, November 11.

Eastwoord 560Kathryn Eastwood (right) laid a wreath in memory of her late husband Eric Eastwood, who served in the Second World War.