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Second time 560Principal Dan Russell accompanied the school’s endurance runners who wanted to run around Fairy Lake a second time during the school’s Terry Fox Run, September 29.

Megan Dunn, Saugeen Shores Hub

“Even if I don’t finish, we need others to continue. It’s got to keep going without me.” ~ Terry Fox

Students at G.C. Huston Public School in Southampton continued the Marathon of Hope as they took part in their own Terry Fox Run on September 29. By collecting donations or contributing a toonie - all for cancer research - the legacy of Terry Fox was honoured and remembered.

Teacher Enid Johnson, helped the students warm up with some stretching and dance moves before they began their run around Fairy Lake, while Kindergarten classes ran multiple times around the school property.

The G.C. Huston cross-country team led the way for students with some going multiple times around the lake.

Students donned stickers, for who they were running for. Many listed grandparents, friends and family members who have been inflicted with cancer, while others simply wrote that they were running for “Terry”.

Donations are still being collect by students, with no amount totalled by press time.

School 560Principal Dan Russell asks the students to remember what they recently learned about Terry Fox before they took off on their own Marathon of Hope, September 29, in Southampton.

H and C sk 560Senior Kindergarten students Haily (left) and Cali, danced during the warm up.

Enid Johnson 560G.C. Huston teacher Enid Johnson helped the student stretch and warm up with dance moves before their big run.

Mylah Bragg 560Mylah Bragg, a Junior Kindergarten student at G.C. Huston Public School, led the way during the school’s Terry Fox Run, September 29.

Royal Fulham 560Junior Kindergartener Royal Fulham during G.C. Huston Terry Fox Run.

Run 560The students of G.C. Huston raced with vigour as they participated in their own Terry Fox Run, September 29.