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007Driving his 1930 Model A Ford Deluxe Roadster, Tom Marcotte of Southampton was ready for the road rally with grandson Dennis Fairhall navigating and great-granddaughter Sarah Fairhall of Southampton drumming up the team spirit, August 20.

Megan Dunn, Saugeen Shores Hub

A keen sense of direction, local historical knowledge, and a working vehicle were essential to completing the inaugural Road Rally, hosted by the Southampton Rotary Club, August 20.

Twenty-four teams spent their Saturday travelling to different spots around Saugeen Shores as well as Bruce and Grey counties, testing their knowledge and finding hidden answers along the pre-planned route.

This rally, however, was not a road race and drivers, many with eclectic cars and convertibles, left one by one, two minutes apart, until all cars were on the road.

While waiting for their names to be called, Elizabeth Ferencsik explained why she and her partner, Donald McCulloch of Port Elgin would be a good team. “We’re counting on him (McCulloch) on having an advantage.” Ferencsik explained that her partner was a “Bruce County boy” and his knowledge of the back roads would help. The duo chose a Toyota Venza to rally in because of its good gas milage and air conditioning. Ferencsik proudly stated, “we have the ability to get along together in a moving vehicle for three hours.”

Visiting previously unexplored locales such as the Bruce Power Visitor’s Centre and Elsie’s Diner in Springmount was a neat experience for winners Mary Lou Hill and partner Michael Hill. The couple survived their day without air conditioning and were the first team to arrive back with the correct answers. Mary Lou said the rally was awesome but it did have its challenges. “I suppose the challenge was the beginning because we weren't right in-sync, you know, it takes a while to get your mojo and stuff going on and even though we’ve been married for a very long time I thought ‘I hope we can get out of this alright’,” she joked.

It was good sense which caused driver Tom Marcotte of Durham to end his rally early as he feared his 1930 Model A Ford Deluxe Roadster would overheat in the stifling temperatures. Marcotte and his family put two cars in the rally, the Roaster and a Trans Am Turbo 4.9.

Marcotte said things were going well in the rally but a Mercedes broke down around MacGregor Park, so their group stopped to help, which took about 45 minutes. Despite the time delay Marcotte said they had a great experience driving his car around, especially his favourite part, Salmon Side Road. “It’s just beautiful... it trails through the bush and it winds around and the trees that are all interlocked... you’re down underneath them and the Saugeen River is on your side, it’s just beautiful.”

Proceeds raised from pledges will go towards G.C. Huston Public School’s new sport track project. Organizers didn't have a total at press time but did allude that participant pledges exceeded expectations.

DianaBert Tripp 560Diana and Bert Tripp donned red to match their rally vehicle, August 20.

Jean and Ron 560Partners Jean and Ron had some mechanical issues with their Mercedes on their way to the Bruce Power Visitors Centre, which took them out of the race. They later arrived at the final destination in a new vehicle but they both shared the same enthusiasm with which they started.

Mary LouPartners Mary Lou and Michael Hills were the first to complete the entire race. They arrived at the finish line in under four hours.