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Lamont 560

From left, Barry Dunlop, fundraising committee member; Robert Stanley and Mike Myatt, committee co-chairs;; SSMBA fastpitch players Marisa Barfoot and Janey Harris, SSMBA President Laura Kranenburg, SSMBA baseball player Kirby Barfoot, SSMBA executive members Marla Barfoot, Eric Dunn and Jeff Myatt. Photo submitted

The second phase of the Lamont Sports Park fundraising campaign, Illuminating Dreams, has hit a major milestone with a donation from the Saugeen Shores Minor Baseball Association (SSMBA).

The $25,000 Home Run donation brings the campaign to $1 million, nearly halfway to their $2.25 million goal for two youth diamonds and an accessible playground.

“We are absolutely over the moon,” said Campaign Co-Chair and Vice Deputy Mayor Mike Myatt, in a July 18 media release. “This is the result of so many months and years of hard work. It is fitting that Minor Baseball should provide us with this donation, as we pivot to funding new amenities for youth teams," said Myatt.

Following a phase of corporate, local business and service club donations, the campaign is reaching out to the public to help raise $50,000 for two youth batting cages and a storage facility for minor baseball.

“We are asking residents to provide what they can,” said Rob Stanley, Campaign Co-Chair. “It’s important for community members to feel a sense of pride and ownership in a facility that provides a healthy and inclusive environment for our youth.”

“We are experiencing a record number of kids in our program, and for the first time our softball program is as large as our baseball program,” added Laura Kranenburg, President of the SSMBA. “We need to see a batting cage and storage facility for our equipment at the Lamont Sports Park, and we are thrilled to make a commitment to the shared vision of bringing this park to life.”

Anyone wishing to make a donation can visit saugeenshores.ca/lamontsportsparkdonations.

The park's first phase is expected to open in May 2023 and plans for the second phase are well under with Council approving a consultant to oversee the development and construction.