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Amabel-Sauble Community School received their fundraising cheque April 1 from Rotary's Bearama. Despite being the smallest participating school with just 162 students, they tallied the most kilometres for the 20th annual Rotary Winterama Olympics Challenge logging a total of 6603 kilometres, or an average of 41 kilometres per student. The 2022 Winterama was presented by the Southampton and Tara Rotary clubs.

Hub Staff

Local elementary school students earned fundraising dollars while participating winter activities this past February through the 20th annual Rotary Winterama. All told, students brought in over $12,000 to help fund breakfast programs and other school projects. As well, local corporations, businesses and individuals stepped up and donated an additional $12,000 to the campaign, allowing participating Rotary clubs to defray costs of Winterama, and to broaden their services to support area youth programs.

This year’s Winterama was presented by the Southampton and Tara Rotary clubs and offered a Winter Olympics Challenge, where students accumulated kilometres doing fun winter activities over the course of the 2022 Winter Olympics. Bronze, silver and gold medals were awarded to students with the highest totals and the class logging the greatest distance from each school were awarded a recess activity bucket, most of which were hand delivered by Bearama himself.

The four highest pledge earners also won prizes for their schools.

Participating students logged a total of over 21,000 kilometres over the duration of the campaign, a length that would stretch more than halfway around the globe. In total, 233 students skated, skied, sledded, hiked and snowshoed their way through the Challenge.

Amabel-Sauble Community School, the smallest participating school population-wise for the 2022 Winterama Olympics Challenge with just 162 students, tallied the most kilometres at 6603, an average of 41 kilometres per student.

The top performing class at GC Huston Public School was Ms. Lamberti's class at 640 kilometres while Northport Elementary School's Ms. Carey's class won top marks with 1077 kilometres. Mr. Noel's class at École Port Elgin Saugeen Central School (ÉPESCS) logged the greatest distance for their school at 859 kilometres while Ms. Clark's class at Saugeen District Senior School outperformed with 1135 kilometres. At Hepworth Central Public School, Ms. Downey's class was the high scorer with 618 kilometres and Amabel-Sauble's Mr. Carder's class was awarded top class at 1290 kilometres.

Charlie Schaab from ÉPESCS raised the most pledges for this year's event with a total of $1,200 while second place was awarded to Serenity and Andre Saunders from GC Huston Public School, each raising $795. Third place went to Sam Stephenson from ÉPESCS who raised a total of $720.

"A big thank you to all 2022 Winterama participants, sponsors and supporters," said Dave Bertrand, 2022 Winterama Committee member.


GC Huston Public School's Top KM Class award went to Ms. Lamberti's class with 640 kilometres.


École Port Elgin Saugeen Central School held an assembly to celebrate their achievements for the 20th annual event with Rotary mascot Bearama. Pictured are the medal winning students as well as the school's top class, Mr. Noel's class, who logged the greatest distance for their school at 859 kilometres.


Bearama joined Northport Elementary School's Ms. Carey's class to help them celebrate winning top marks for their school with 1077 kilometres.

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Saugeen District Senior School's Ms. Clark's class logged the most kilometres with 1135 kilometres.


Bearama joined Amabel-Sauble Community School's Mr. Carder's class who was awarded the Top KM Class title with 1290 kilometres.


Ms. Downey's class at Hepworth Central Public School logged a total of 618 kilometres, granting the title of Top KM Class. Bearama joined in the celebration.


Bearama presented a cheque to École Port Elgin Saugeen Central School for their participation in the 2022 Winterama Olympics Challenge.


GC Huston Public School was presented a cheque by Bearama. The funds will go toward their breakfast program and other school projects.

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Southampton Rotary Club's Rob Hughes presented Saugeen District Senior School's Grade 7 and 8s with their cheque for the 20th annual Rotary event.


Northport Elementary School had a visit from Bearama who presented them with their fundraising cheque in support of school programs.


Bearama presented a cheque to the Hepworth Central Public School for their participation in the 2022 Rotary Winterama Olympics Challenge.


Amabel-Sauble Community School was presented a cheque by Rotary's Bearama in support of their breakfast club and other programs.