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housing coordinator

Photo by Christian Koch on Unsplash

With an aim to take steps to increase the diversity in housing in Saugeen Shores and "focus on immediate and short-term priorities identified in the Attainable Housing Task Force recommendations," Council has approved, in principle, the hiring of a contract Housing Co-Ordinator.

The decision came at the July 12 Committee of Whole meeting and in a July 13 media release from the Town, Mayor Luke Charbonneau noted "such a need in our community" and said the contract position would give the municipality another resource "to help advance important housing initiatives."

“The groundwork has been completed so let’s run with the momentum and create some positive change," said Charbonneau.

The Attainable Housing Task Force provided a well-informed recommendations report in February 2021. After receiving the report, the municipality formed an Implementation Working Group made up of members of Council, and Town and Bruce County staff. This group, with support from the Municipal Innovation Council, has focused on prioritizing action items and providing operational recommendations, read the release, noting that the municipality had already made changes to create housing diversity.

On June 28, Council approved amendments to the Zoning By-law designed to remove hurdles in order to provide a mix of homes in a variety of settings, such as allowing taller buildings, making it easier to install accessibility features, and allowing semi-detached and duplex dwellings in most residential areas.

The Town of Saugeen Shores has also updated its Economic Development Community Improvement Plan (CIP), enabling the Town to strengthen financial support and focus municipal resources on the provision of housing options.

In episodes 105 and 106, the Town’s Shore Report podcast has tackled housing in Saugeen Shores with focus on both attainable and accessible housing.