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CMHA Donation November 2020

100 Women Who Care Grey Bruce gave their final donation of 2020 to CMHA Grey Bruce.

Hub Staff

The Canadian Mental Health Association of Grey Bruce was the recipient of the 100 Women Who Care Grey Bruce's final donation of 2020. Although the presentation cheque was in the amount of $7,100, the donation came to $7,400. "We had three more people join and contribute the day after the event," said 100 Women member Lynda Legge.

The group meets four times a year and has grown by more than 30 members since June, 2020. "We are excited that we continue to grow and are hopeful that by April we will have 100 women," said Legge. "We will welcome as many women as would like to join," she added.

The group meets, currently via Zoom, in April, June, September and November each year and their first meeting of 2021 is set for April 10. Their September 2020 donation, in the amount of $5,700, went to The Women's Centre Grey Bruce Inc. and their June meeting resulted in a $4,000 donation to Home and Community Support Services' Meals on Wheels program.

The idea is that women make a commitment of a $100 donation at each of the four meetings for a year and women can make that commitment on their own or come as a group of two, three or four. The group is modeled after other '100 Women' groups and is informal as they don't have an administrative structure or membership dues.

The Grey Bruce chapter only donates to organizations that serve the Grey Bruce area and they require that their donations not be used to cover administrative costs of their chosen charity or non profit.

It is the members themselves who collectively decide who will be the recipient of each donation and donations are tax deductible. "We are very excited about the momentum we have gained," said Legge. "Every new member helps us make a bigger impact in our community," she added.

For more information, see Group aims to make a meaningful difference to area charities. You can also find them at 100womengreybruce.ca or on Facebook at facebook.com/100WWCGreyBruce

Womens Centre Donation September 2020

As a result of their September meeting in 2020, 100 Women Who Care Grey Bruce presented $5,700 to The Women's Centre Grey Bruce October 29.