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Firefighters Lorne Currie (left) and John Campbell manned the collection station set up in front of Southampton Foodland during their Emergency Services Food Drive, November 21.

DECEMBER 22 UPDATE: Organizers report over 4,000 pounds of food and over $7,500 in cash donations were donated during the 2020 Emergency Services Food Drive. See: Tallies are in for the 2020 Emergency Services Toy & Food Drive

Hub Staff

Paramedics, police officers and firefighters were at four locations Saturday for their annual toy and food drive in Saugeen Shores. With volunteers stationed in Port Elgin and Southampton, the amalgamated emergency services of Saugeen Shores Police Services, Bruce County EMS and Saugeen Shores Fire collected food, toys and monetary donations in support of the Salvation Army Food Bank.

According to the volunteers, the looming pandemic did not deter residents from donating. “We have a such a caring community," said Saugeen Shores firefighter Lorne Currie. “Despite the situation people are coming out to support."

At the time of publishing totals collected during the 2020 Emergency Services Food Drive were not yet known but we will update the story if that information becomes available.


Bruce County EMS and the Saugeen Shores firefighters joined forces at Rowland's Your Independent Grocer in Port Elgin to support struggling families in Saugeen Shores. From left, Sergeant Susan Briggs with son Jacob, Paramedic Sam McDougald, Paramedic Tianna Grant, Paramedic Brittney Kealey and Special Constable Paul Vitez.

Independent 2

A police cruiser parked outside Rowland's Independent in Port Elgin was ready to transport another load of food donations to the Salvation Food Bank on Saturday, November 21.

Canadian Tire

A massive toy acquisition took place at Mowbray's Canadian Tire in Port Elgin November 21. From left, Canadian Tire Store Manager and Special Constable Zach Mowbray, Constable Michael Cuillerier, Saugeen Shores Fire Captain Rob Atkinson, Firefighter Scott McMeekin, Firefighter Ian MacAulay, and Firefighter Don Thede.

Walmart 1

Paramedics Nicole Kelley and Derek Stephenson, stationed outside the Port Elgin Walmart November 21, noticed significant increases in cash and toy donations at this year’s Emergency Services Toy Drive. They were in the process of filling their fourth ambulance with toys and food for the Salvation Army Food Bank. From left, Paramedic Nicole Kelley, Paramedic Derek Stephenson, and Firefighter Adam Kealey.

Walmart 2

Five Saugeen Shores firefighters collected cartfuls of goods for the Salvation Army Food Bank outside Walmart, November 21. From left, Jeff Ackert, Paula Peguegnat, Jake Ackert, Jason Carson, and Mike McCulloch.