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 Bruce Power new 560

Bruce Power announced Thursday the launch of Be a Light: Beating COVID-19 Together. Through this campaign, focused on Grey, Bruce and Huron counties, the company will make a $1 million commitment and work with public health, county and municipal governments, chambers of commerce, hospitals, local MPs and MPPs, and community organizations to redouble efforts to battle the pandemic.

"Ontario is at a critical juncture in the pandemic," read the November 19 media release, "having made significant progress by implementing extensive testing and controls, ensuring PPE is available and reopening the economy. Despite this and with promising progress on a vaccine, elected and public health officials have called upon everyone to do their part by taking immediate action in the days and weeks ahead to continue being diligent in taking the necessary precautions against the virus," the release continued.

Dr Ian Arra, Medical Officer of Health and CEO for the Grey Bruce Health Unit said that while the region has been successful thus far in battling COVID-19, now is not the time to let our guard down. “We need to double down on the 3 Ws that will get us through this, including washing your hands frequently, watching and maintaining physical distance, and wearing a mask correctly in indoor public places," said Arra.

James Scongack, Executive Vice-President Corporate Affairs and Operational Services for Bruce Power, encouraged community members to swiftly act on the advice of elected and public health officials. “By working together as a community, we’ve all done many amazing things throughout Bruce, Grey and Huron counties to keep our communities safe since the start of the pandemic and we now need to double down,” Scongack said, adding that the $1 million campaign recognizes the broader and long-term challenges the region faces.

Bruce Power’s efforts will focus on the following five areas:

1. Public Awareness: using media and social media to reinforce the guidance from public health officials to stop COVID, especially as Bruce-Grey-Huron moves into colder weather and the holiday season;

2. Providing Protection: by working with the community to place temperature monitoring and other technology, along with the availability of personal protective equipment in higher risk or traffic areas;

3. Buy Local: in the face of necessary restrictions put in place by public health experts, local businesses continue to face challenges throughout our communities. Bruce Power is making a $50,000 investment to further leverage the Grey-Bruce-Huron Strong platform and amplify the Buy Local effort;

4. Mental and Physical Health: Bruce Power will support community organizations which promote mental and physical health activities and programs through the duration of the Be A Light: Beating COVID-19 Together campaign, and;

5. Lending a Helping Hand: Bruce Power will be working with food banks, long-term care facilities and community organizations to support these organizations and individuals during this period of time and will direct all funds in association with Buy Local.