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Southampton Rotary 1

Past President of Southampton Rotary, Sylvia Sheard (right), presented Rob Hughes with the Past President Rotary pin. Photo submitted

During a Zoom meeting earlier this month the new Board of Directors and Officers of the Rotary Club of Southampton were inducted by Rotarian Bob Speight.

In a July 23 media release, Jenny Amy is taking over from Rob Hughes as President of the Club. Jenny has been a Rotarian for 30 years joining shortly after a high court ruling stating that people could not be refused membership to Rotary on the basis of gender.

Hughes reviewed the past Rotary year making reference to the Club's many fundraising events and the projects and causes that had received Rotary’s support both in Saugeen Shores and internationally.

Hughes specifically thanked Community Co-Chairs Stew Nutt and Mike Roberts for their leadership regarding the Club’s response to COVID-19, as well as club members that have adapted to doing things differently, such as the virtual East Coast Kitchen Party fundraiser and the Beat COVID-19 Challenge.

The Board of Directors for 2020/21 will be:

President - Jenny Amy
President Elect - Susan Macdonald
Past President - Rob Hughes
Secretary - Mary Halbert
Treasurer - Ken Harlock
Club Service - Neil Reid
Community Service - Mike Roberts
International Service - Kevin Champion
Youth & Vocation - Geza Kocsis
Membership - Liz Hawthorne

Amy is looking forward the Club embracing this year's theme, “Rotary Opens Opportunities."

Anyone interested in joining the Rotary Club of Southampton can email rotary1938@gmail.com.

Southampton Rotary 2

Along with Past President Sylvia Sheard, Past District Governor Tony Sheard (left) visited Rob Hughes' (right) during a recent Southampton Rotary Zoom meeting to present him with a gift and the Past President Rotary pin. Photo supplied