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andrea oreilly

CFUW Southport members continue to explore advocacy for women and children and recently hosted Dr Andrea O'Reilly, writer and Professor at York University in the Faculty of Women's Studies via Zoom to discuss her research project on how mother's paid work has been impacted by COVID-19.

“Research is beginning to suggest that mothers may be reducing their work hours or leaving paid work completely with childcare, camps, schooling closed indefinitely," said O'Reilly, who went on to say that even in a pandemic, much of the care and nurturing activities for families is assumed by mothers.

While meeting the needs of their children and partners, mothers are experiencing increasing stress which may result in long term problems.

Dr O'Reilly left members with two resources. The Mothers and Covid webpage sets out to "Inform, support, and empower mothers through and after the pandemic. A place where we can share our experiences as well as resources," complimented by the private Facebook group, Mothers and Covid 19.