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thank you sign

The Southampton Rotary Club has placed this sign on Highway 21 thanking essential workers. Photo submitted

The Rotary Club of Southampton has shared ways in which they are continuing to live up to the Rotary motto of “Service above Self” and responded to the community's needs due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

In a recent media release, when Foodland required assistance, Rotarians delivered grocery orders to self-isolating community members. The Club provided Easter floral arrangements to brighten the dining tables at the Southampton Care Centre as well as supplying “ear saving” buttons to local sewers who are providing headbands and caps to frontline workers.

See: Southampton Hospital staff says thank you

Youth programs are one of Rotary’s areas of focus, so Rotary sponsored the Southampton Art Centre’s Online Kids Art Contest to engage children in projects while they have to stay at home.

The Rotary Club of Southampton has also reached out to the local Salvation Army Food Bank, Women's Centre Grey Bruce, Women's House Serving Bruce and Grey and Kabaeshiwin Respite Women's Shelter, the Grey Bruce Children’s Help Line, and the Chapman House Residential Hospice, and has donated over $4,000 to cover some of these organization’s immediate needs.

In recognition of Rotary’s help, Southampton Foodland presented a cheque for a $1,000 to the Club which was donated to the Meals on Wheels program. More recently Rotary received a very generous donation of $3,000 from the Women’s Probus Club to help with COVID-19 response.

Rotary International has made additional funds available for clubs to respond to the pandemic. Southampton Rotary applied and was successful in receiving a special COVID-19 Rotary District Grant which they will match two to one. This will enable the club to make a total donation of over $8,000 to the Women's Centre Grey Bruce, Women's House Serving Bruce and Grey and Kabaeshiwin Respite Women's Shelter.

While Rotary meetings were also social occasions and often involved having a meal and maybe a beer or glass of wine, some Rotarians have been donating what they would have normally spent on a meal to the COVID-19 response. Members have also been asked to consider supporting local businesses by purchasing takeout meals from restaurants or buying gift certificates from other businesses who are unable to operate during the pandemic.

Rotarians are busy looking at alternative ways to hold fun community events and fundraisers, however they will have decided not to approach any businesses for donations during these difficult times.

Unfortunately, the Rotary Huron Shore Run had to be cancelled and while organizers are putting the call out for donations, the Saugeen Memorial Hospital Foundation and the Saugeen Track and Field Club will not be benefitting to the same degree as in previous years. Rotary is considering how to help bridge these funding gaps and is promoting the Hospital Foundation Healthcare Lottery. Tickets are available by calling 226-930-1114 or emailing tmurray@gbhs.on.ca.

See: Rotary Run organizers issue "Beat COVID-19" challenge to Saugeen Shores

Being unable to meet in person at Rotary Hall did present a challenge but members have quickly adapted to meeting every Wednesday evening via Zoom to conduct business and listen to guest speakers. As part of their community service Rotary is offering their Zoom facilities to any other organization who may wish to meet this way subject to availability.

The Rotary Club of Southampton hopes community members have seen their sign on Highway 21 thanking essential and frontline workers. Rotary's theme this year is "Rotary connects the world" so the club would also like to thank the #SaugeenShoresStrong movement and all the posts on social media such as Saugeen Shores CareMongering that have helped to connect and support the community.

The Club will continue to “Keep Calm and Rotary On" and have some fun along the way.

virtual rotary meeting

Members of Southampton Rotary have been meeting via Zoom. Photo submitted

covid groceries

Rotarians from the Southampton Club delivered grocery orders to self-isolating community members. Photo submitted. Photo submitted

care centre flowers

The Southampton Club provided Easter floral arrangements to brighten the dining tables at the Southampton Care Centre. Photo submitted

ear saver buttons

Southampton Rotary supplied “ear saving” buttons to local sewers who are providing headbands and caps to frontline workers. Photo submitted