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The Town of Saugeen Shores provided the following update to local media April 29.

Mayor's Task Force on Economic Recovery

While dealing with the immediate needs created by the COVID-19 pandemic, Saugeen Shores Council has approved the advancement of the Mayor’s Task Force on Economic Recovery. At Monday’s meeting, Council approved the Terms of Reference for the Mayor’s Task Force on Economic Recovery to participate in the development of a Saugeen Shores-focused Economic Recovery Plan.

The Mayor will chair the task force and members will include representatives from each industry in the community, elected officials, regional and provincial government representatives, and employment/labour market specialists.

“The Task Force on Economic Recovery will play a critical role in the development of our recovery plan,” said Saugeen Shores Mayor Luke Charbonneau. “I’m looking forward to working with a team of local business leaders and organizations. Together we’ll support Saugeen Shores and ensure no one is left behind.”

Facility and Programming Update

The Town of Saugeen Shores continues to follow the mandated provincial closures of facilities to slow the spread of COVID-19.

All aquatic and spring programming up to and including June 26, 2020 has been cancelled. A decision on the ball hockey season will be made by June 22; at this time, the start of the program is delayed until further notice.

In addition to these program cancellations, all Town of Saugeen Shores recreational and leisure facilities continue to remain closed until they are provincially sanctioned to open. This includes Saugeen Shores Community Complex (the Plex), Southampton Coliseum, Centennial Pool, Southampton Town Hall, waterfront activities and sports fields.

Additionally, as a result of these extended recreation facility closures, any third-party programs, events or other activities scheduled to take place in these municipal facilities will also be postponed or cancelled.

Event organizers who are planning an event on Town property are encouraged to consider their own protocol and contingency planning during this time. As decisions are made on local events and festivals, organizers are encouraged to contact the Town with changes to their plans.

The decision to extend closures and cancellations will be continually reviewed, with direction from the province and guidance from the Grey Bruce Medical Officer of Health.

Information on refunds due to program registrations and cancellations will be communicated with users through the Department of Community Services. For more information, please contact recreation@saugeenshores.ca.

Advancement of Critical Infrastructure Project

Council has approved a staff recommendation to begin the Goderich Street Storm Sewer Replacement project. This critical infrastructure project includes the replacement of storm sewers on Goderich Street from Concession 6 to Barnes Avenue. The work has been awarded to Doug Welsh Construction Limited and is expected to begin immediately.

“Critical infrastructure projects are deemed as an essential service by the Province of Ontario, and it is imperative this work continues in our Town,” said Mayor Charbonneau. “The Town is following provincial orders in determining which of our services are essential during the pandemic.”