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SS Santa Claus Parade

There’s 'snowhere' like Saugeen Shores as Santa Claus is scheduled to make a stop in Southampton on December 6 at 7 p.m. for the Saugeen Shores Santa Claus Parade, hosted by the Saugeen Shores Chamber of Commerce.

In a November 28 Chamber media release, the parade will be dashing through the snow along High Street, from Grey Street to Grosvenor Street, with spectators invited to join Santa and GC Huston following the parade as they light up Fairy Lake.

The Salvation Army Community Food Bank will be collecting non-perishable donations along the parade route.

The Chamber is also putting out a call for volunteers to help the night of the parade. Volunteers are needed for lining up floats as well as marshalling along the parade route. "Volunteers are integral to making sure our parade runs safely and smoothly," read a second release November 28.

Anyone interested in volunteering is asked to call 519-832-2332. Businesses who provide volunteers will get special recognition in our social media posts.

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