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pumpkin drop 560Port Elgin Missionary Church dropped a giant 775 pound pumpkin October 16 and will be selling its seeds to raise money for their Operation Christmas Child Shoebox fundraiser.

Hub Staff

After showcasing its girth and talents at Port Elgin Pumpkinfest two weeks ago, Doug Court’s giant 775 pound pumpkin took a high-dive October 16 to help raise funds for Port Elgin Missionary Church’s (PEMC) Christmas Shoebox Fundraiser.

The pumpkin’s seeds were scooped out and are now on sale at PEMC. The church’s Operation Christmas Child committee hopes that selling seeds from the giant pumpkin will generate funds to alleviate shoebox shipping costs and help with additional supplies.

The shoeboxes, which contain toys, group activities, school supplies and basic hygienic items, are then shipped to children in need around the world before Christmas.

See: Shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child[http://saugeenshoreshub.ca/news/2284-shoeboxes-for-operation-christmas-child.html]

Members of PEMC would like to thank Port Elgin Home Hardware for supplying the machinery for the pumpkin drop.

Shoeboxes can be picked up and dropped off inside the church, members of the Operation Christmas Child committee will be happily accepting boxes or small items until the November 13 deadline.

DSCF1867 560pdrop 560Operation Christmas Child committee members Tina Aasman and Carrie Young (right) spent some time in the rain selling seeds from the giant pumpkin, which was donated by Port Elgin’s Doug Court.