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members 560Club members John Dalllair and Simone Lepine joined in Chantry Centre’s 25th Anniversary celebrations. Dallair has been a member for 11 years and his favourite activities include Majong, Wii Bowling, Wizard and Dominos.

Hub Staff

Members of the Chantry Centre in Southampton had a party September to celebrate 25 years of activity and camaraderie. President Sybil Mercer created a collage of 25 years of memories and reminisced with members and special guests about beloved past members and how the current Chantry Centre building came to be.

“I remember clearly, Jim O’Dell suggesting the name of Chantry Centre 50 plus, emphasizing that we needed to embrace the young retirees,” said Mercer, who said the ribbon cutting for the current building took place in 1993 following a number of interesting money raising pursuits and contributions from the Southampton Rotary Club, the Town, the Chantry Island Cham-bettes as well as grants.

From weekly lunches, stew and fish dinners, and monthly visits from the Day Away Program to catering Octogenarian lunches, the Chantry Centre seemed to always have something cooking, all before a proper kitchen was installed. Mercer recalled a letter writing campaign in the mid 1990s requesting funds and donations and soon the group had designed, built, and paid for their current kitchen, which came equipped with a storage room, gas and electric stoves, and a steam table donated by Doug Shular. The total bill was approximately $100,000.

“Everyone here can be very proud of the part you played in getting us to this day, thank you,” said Mercer, who then invited the Mayor of Saugeen Shores, Mike Smith, to speak, along with representatives from collaborative groups, the Chantry Island Cham-Bettes and the Southampton Rotary Club.

Cham-Bette, Vicky Colontino said her best memory of working with the members of the Chantry Centre is taking part in the Octogenarian lunches and said she wasn't aware of the history until Sybil Mercer went through some of the events earlier in her speech. “It’s very interesting to see the long way you’ve come, with manpower, will power and perseverance, you've made this place what it is today,” said Colontino.

Member for over 24 years, Don Ische said that he was welcomed to the group fast as he knew how to wield a hammer and was the club’s long time handyman. He said he remembered that at one point the activity club had 375 members, and that was even before the kitchen and storage rooms were installed.

“We had great, great volunteers and we still do. And I wanted to pay tribute to them and thank them so much. Many of them aren’t here anymore but they sure left their legacy with this club,” said Ische.

Following the speeches the group got to do what it does best, eat cake and play games, with sisters Connie Barker and JoAnn Tomori getting the party started with Karaoke Bingo.

wathky 560Dr. George Wathky and Maxine Ribey played for the large crowd at the Chantry Centre’s 25th Anniversary party, September 21.

sybil 560Chantry Centre President, Sybil Mercer recalled events that transpired over the past 25 years.

group 560Long-time Chantry Centre Club members at the 25th Anniversary celebration, September 21.

karoke 560Sisters Connie Barker (left) and JoAnn Tomori, entertained the group as they played Karaoke Bingo, at the Chantry Centre’s 25th Anniversary.

don 560Don Ische recalled many memories during the club’s 25 Anniversary party.