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SS Police2 fullA total of 188 incidents were reported to Saugeen Shores Police between June 27 and July 3.

From June 29 to June 30 a total of 15 vehicles were entered in the Bay Street, Emerald, Macaulay, Cedar Bush, Summerhill, Albert Street, Peel Street, Victoria Street, Grey Street areas of Southampton. Items taken included change, wallet and bank cards, dremel sets, power inverter, tool bag, drill, GPS, camera, cell phone, iPhone and Skill saw. Some of the items were recovered by searching the area. Saugeen Shores Police remind citizens and visitors, once again, to lock your vehicles.

July 3, 2016

At 2:10 p.m., some time overnight someone threw a rock through a door at Saugeen District Secondary School.

At 4:26 p.m. police were called to a report of an intoxicated person causing a disturbance near the Southampton flag. The male was arrested for public intoxication and spent time in the cell.

At 7:52 p.m. police received a report of a cyclist being struck near Cameron Drive. The cyclist however was not struck by a vehicle, he was highly intoxicated. Ambulance attended and took him to the Southampton Hospital.

2 July, 2016

At 3:32 a.m. police were called when a neighbour saw a male go into another neighbour’s vehicles. The complainant followed the culprit for some time but he lost him. There have been no report of thefts from the vehicles.

At 2:11 p.m. it was reported that a vehicle had been entered the night before and a baseball bat had been stolen.

At 6:08 p.m. police received a complaint of a suspicious male in Port Elgin. The male was found to be in a motor scooter but wanted on a warrant from the London Police Service. The man was arrested and turned over to the London Police Service.

At 7:06 p.m. a bicycle was reported stolen from the Palmerston Street area.

At 11:20 p.m. someone observed a male and female trying to steal one of the trolley benches. Due to the weight of the bench, the pair did not get very far with it. Police returned it to its original position.

July 1, 2016

At 8:29 p.m. police responded to an assault complaint in Saugeen Shores. After investigation a 24 year old Kincardine man was arrested and charged with Assault, Breach of Probation, Uttering Threats and Robbery with Intent. The man was held for a bail hearing.

June 30, 2016

At 7:26 p.m. it was reported to police that there was an intoxicated man on the Southampton Beach. The man was located, arrested for his own safety and held until sober.

June 28, 2016

At 3:46 p.m. police responded to a motor vehicle collision at James and Goderich streets. A vehicle was stopped at the stop sign east bound at Goderich Street while a mobility scooter was north on the sidewalk and began to cross James Street. The two collided as both vehicles were in motion. Minor damage, no injuries.

At 6:34 p.m. a male person pumped $53 worth of gas at the Circle K and drove off without paying. Police are investigating.

June 27, 2016

At 1:14 a.m. police responded to a report of two individuals running from an open door on a shed on Ivings Drive. No theft or damage appears to have occurred.

At 7:23 a.m. police responded to Jubilee Park where someone had pulled the sink of the wall in the women’s washroom.

At 10:39 a.m. it was reported to police that a vehicle had been entered on Lehnen Street. Items stolen include a laptop, a socket set and a security token.

At 2:35 p.m. police responded to a theft of a piece of equipment in Home Hardware, Port Elgin. The man was identified by video, police are investigating.

At 3:28 p.m. police responded to County Road 17 where a vehicle had been west on County Road 17, struck the gravel portion of the road and lost control. The vehicle went into the ditch and rolled, coming to rest on the roof. The driver was taken by ambulance to the Southampton Hospital and released, the vehicle was severely damaged.

At 4:13 p.m. a 35 year old Saugeen Shores male was arrested for breaching several conditions of release on previous charges. The man was held for a bail hearing.

At 5:50 p.m. a bear was sighted at Carlisle Street in Southampton.