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1 Johnson 560G.C. Huston teacher Enid Johnston added more colour to the students' attire, during the school's Colour Run, June 24.

Hub Staff

A Pow Wow, Colour Dash and Slip and Slide were all packed into one amazing afternoon at G.C. Huston Public School, June 24 in Southampton.

The Pow Wow featured G.C. Huston students drumming, dancing as well as special guests who had been invited to preform.

Following the Pow Wow, G.C. Huston Principal Dan Russell thanked Crystal Kewageshig for her help in organizing and expressed his interested making traditional Pow Wow clothing available to every G.C. Huston student.

“What we are looking at is next year to raise enough money to have full class sets of full regalia, so that everyone can participate that wants to participate; and we’re also looking at putting a group on the road to go from school to school,” said Russell, June 24.

Immediately following the school’s Pow Wow, was the inaugural Colour Run, to gear up for the larger scale fun run taking place during the community’s Shindig event taking place in August. Half of the money raised from August’s “Color Run” will go to support G.C. Huston.

Teachers and older students were ready to spray powdered and liquid paint on unsuspecting and overly willing student while they ran around the perimeter of G.C. Huston and Fairy Lake.

To cool off from the run, the school also organized a giant Slip and Slide in which the whole school, including a few teachers, participated.

Dan Russell said that a great time was had by all. “They have loved the Colour Dash, they've loved the Slip and Slide, and they’re enjoying their jumbo freezes,” he said.

Grade 3 student Charlie Bennet said the best part of the day was the Slip and Slide and admitted to going down six times. “It’s a better day because we don't have to do work,” Bennet said, adding that he was finished with sliding because he wanted to get a giant freeze.

His classmate Lydia Barone was having a great time as well. “My favourite part of the day is probably the Slip and Slide because we never get to do this and it’s really fun”.

1 fancy shawl 560G.C. Huston students performing the Fancy Shawl dance at the Pow Wow, June 24.

1 drummers 560Led by Principal Dan Russell, the G.C. Huston drummers kept perfect rhythm during the Pow Wow, June 24.

1 start 560G.C. Huston students were excited and dressed up in lovely colours for the school’s Colour Run, June 24.

1 Aubrey 560Junior Kindergartener Aubree Collison carefully slid down the giant Slip and Slide at G.C. Huston, June 24.

For more photos, see: G.C. Huston knows how to show their school spirit