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post promise

Bruce Power is joining companies across the country in support of The POST Promise, an initiative endorsed by the Government of Canada that’s focused on creating a collective solution to help Canadians safely begin their journey back into the community during the COVID-19 pandemic.

In a July 29 media release from Bruce Power, The POST Promise is a business-led initiative that involves a voluntary training and education program. It is being used by companies to build the confidence of employees and customers in knowing that proper health and safety measures are being followed in workplaces and public spaces. The program is focused on five key strategies aimed at reducing the spread of COVID-19:

• Maintaining physical distancing
• Staying home if unwell
• Respiratory etiquette, including wearing a mask when recommended
• Cleaning and disinfecting work spaces
• Washing and sanitizing hands

“We’re pleased to assist The POST Promise with sharing the message that Canadians need to take the necessary precautions to keep their families, friends and co-workers safe during this pandemic,” said Mike Rencheck, President and CEO, Bruce Power, encouraging everyone to follow guidelines from public health officials.

In additional measures to support the fight against COVID-19, earlier this week, Bruce Power's Retooling and Economic Recovery Council opened an online portal to provide local municipalities, businesses and community organizations with access to affordable personal protective equipment (PPE). Orders can be placed at www.brucepower.com/strength-in-numbers from July 27 to August 14 and again from September 21 to October 3.

See: Online portal to help provide affordable PPE

For more information on The POST Promise, a national non-for-profit organization, visit postpromise.com.