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Town Economic Development staff have launched the campaign #SaugeenShoresStrong to support local businesses in the uncertain times of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Town has partnered with the Saugeen Shores Chamber of Commerce to help local businesses get their messages out to the public.

In a March 20 Town media release, as changes to regular service delivery is rapidly shifting with businesses in Saugeen Shores, staff have created a webpage for local business updates. This single location for information will make it easier for the public to determine which establishments are open, which are providing curbside pickup or home delivery, for example, and which have made the tough decision to close.

Businesses can use #SaugeenShoresStrong on their social media business updates posts and the Town and Chamber will ensure the page is updated daily: SaugeenShoresChamber.ca/Saugeen-Shores-Business-Updates.

The Town has also created a dedicated webpage under INVEST Saugeen Shores for local businesses searching for support. Economic Development staff will continue to add to this page as relevant information becomes available for our business community. Visit SaugeenShores.ca/SaugeenShoresStrong.

“We value the critical role Saugeen Shores businesses play in our community,” said Mayor Luke Charbonneau. “There are tough times ahead for our small business community especially, so it is important that we come together to support them. And I know as a community we will—together we are Saugeen Shores Strong.”

The public is also encouraged to follow #SaugeenShoresStrong on social media to support our local businesses. All business organizations, business owners, and community members can use this hashtag in their updates so the Town can share and promote local information to the community.

For information on business supports and information, please contact Heather Hyde, Economic Development Officer for the Town of Saugeen Shores by phone at 519-832-2008 x106 or by email at heather.hyde@saugeenshores.ca.