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Trevor Stacey560The evening's hosts, Saugeen Shores Boston Pizza co-owner Trevor Spencer and Community Relations Coordinator, Stacey Clark.

Hub Staff

Boston Pizza in Port Elgin was host to this month’s Saugeen Shores Chamber of Commerce Business After Hours (BAH) event February 16. Guests enjoyed pizza, bandera bread and appetizer platters as they socialized and networked.

“We've been open three years now and it’s going really well,” said Boston Pizza's Community Relations Coordinator, Stacey Clark, adding that they have a variety of events coming up for March break and a fundraiser for mental health March 25.

“We also have our Ladies' Night coming up at the beginning of April,” said Clark. “We had a great turnout last year so we thought we'd make it an annual thing.”

For more information on Boston Pizza's events visit their Facebook page.

Saugeen Shores Chamber of Commerce's (SSCC) Carla Pepe informed guests that nominations are open until February 27 for this year's BRASS (Business Recognition of Achievement in Saugeen Shores) Awards with Lakeshore Recreation hosting the evening gala on Saturday, June 10. Ballots are being distributed to businesses for staff and customers to fill out. “They can bring them to the chamber office directly or you can go online to www.thebrassawards.ca,” she said.

Pepe also mentioned that she had recently accepted an award for the S.S. Trolley at the 60th Annual Economic Development Council of Ontario Conference and Showcase. “We got an Honourable Mention, which is great,” she said. “We're competing with a lot of people so it's nice for our little community to win something.”

Next month's Business After Hours will be held Thursday, March 23 at Peninsula Ford in Port Elgin.

Amanda Angela560Amanda Deer, left, serves up some pizza for The Main Event's Angela Albright at Boston Pizza, February 16.

Guests560Guests socialize at February's Business After Hours event hosted by Boston Pizza, Port Elgin.

Group560Left to right, Terina Wnuk, Coldwell Banker; Jason Amero, Miller Insurance; Ayse Hogan, The Chakra House; Doug Freiburger, Sutton-Huron Shores Realty and Groundhog Divers II; and Dan Egan, Miller Insurance enjoying the hospitality at Boston Pizza.

BostonPizza560Boston Pizza, Port Elgin, the venue for February's Business After Hours.