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We have a request for Saugeen Shores residents. With just 11 days remaining in the nomination phase of the Kraft Heinz Project Play competition, our organizing committee for Kraft Heinz Project Play needs your help!

Saugeen Shores has purchased lands for a multi-field ball complex along with accessible trails, accessible playground, washroom facilities, and more; and Council has also allocated some funding for phase 1 of the project. The economic spinoffs this new facility will generate when attracting world class ball tournaments is exciting for motels, restaurants, retail stores, and more.

While online nominations are being registered on a daily basis, we need to do more to reach our goal of making it to the top four communities across Canada.

To make it to the top four and be eligible for the top prize of $250,000, we need our residents to file their online registration. It’s simple. Go to www.kraftheinzprojectplay.com, register your name, and answer three very simple questions about the Lamont Sports Park project.

Deadline is September 22. 

For more detailed instructions, visit saugeenshoreshub.ca/sports/5179-kraft-heinz-project-play. Or if you would like help with sending in your online registration and nomination, your Kraft Heinz Project Play Committee volunteers will be available at a Community Rally Night on Tuesday, September 17 between 6 and 8 p.m. in the lobby of the Community Complex (The Plex).

Let’s make it to the top four across Canada and be eligible for the top prize of $250,000. The Town of Goderich won this competition in 2017. Let's go, Saugeen Shores! Together we can do this!

Kraft Heinz Project Play Committee Members,
Mayor Luke Charbonneau
Deputy Mayor Don Matheson
Councillor Jami Smith
Councillor Kristan Shrider
Councillor Cheryl Grace

Editor's Note: Anyone wishing to leave a comment but who doesn't have Facebook can do so by emailing news@saugeenshoreshub.ca (please include your name and place of residence) and we will post the comment on your behalf. We also welcome Letters to the Editor to news@saugeenshoreshub.ca.