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checkered eye badge

Checkered Eye badge, for low vision recognition.


In this time of changing procedures, it’s important to remember that some people cannot read the posted “new rules”.

You will recognize some blind people by their white cane or guide dog. However, it may not be apparent when a person is partially blind and not using one of these mobility tools.

Please be aware that people wearing the checkered eye symbol have partial blindness.

Some tips for signage and barriers include:

• use high contrast between font and background.
• use a simple sans serif font such as Arial or Helvetica
• print on a low gloss finish
• when using glass or clear plastic barriers, mark them in some way (such as a row of stickers) to prevent people bumping into them

Free checkered eyes are available for a limited time to those who need them by calling (519) 389-4956, or e-mail info@checkeredeye.com for information.

Libby Thaw,
The Checkered Eye Project