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kyleigh1When I look back over the past year it feels like a dream. As if all the health issues Kyleigh had, and overcome were just terrible dreams.

I then change her clothes or her shirt dips a little low. I see the scars from the I.V. pokes, the scars from her drainage, or the chest scar from her open heart surgery. When I see these, I see a fighter, I see a survivor, I see a life, and I see a CHD warrior.

When I see her smile and laugh, I hear her cry, squeal, talk and babble, I see the love of our family, friends, surgeons, doctors, and nurses.

When she blows a kiss or gives a snuggle or a hug, I feel the love of a community.

Over the past year she has taught me what is important, what is worth fighting for and not to worry over the small things.

The most important thing that Kyleigh has taught me is that scars are beautiful.

Kyleigh is an active, sassy, happy, full of life 17 month old. She does nothing slowly and continues to surprise us daily. She is a gift for which we will be forever grateful.

Thank you for your continued support on Kyleigh and her journey.

Brent, Kristy and Kyleigh Buckton

See also: Kisses for Kyleigh, Love for Lydia