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metis fullEditor,

The Historic Saugeen Métis community is extremely pleased with the Daniels Supreme Court decision, announced on April 14.

Daniels v. Canada (Indian Affairs and Northern Development) 2016 SCC 12 is a case of the Supreme Court of Canada, ruled unanimously that, for the purpose of section 91(24) of the Constitution Act, 1867, Métis and non-status Indians are "Indians" and therefore have a right to be consulted and negotiated with; and are owed fiduciary duty by the federal Crown.

The decision concludes a 17-year battle by Harry Daniels, a Saskatchewant Métis activist for equality for nearly 600,000 aboriginal people who do not currently live on reserves.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called the decision “a landmark ruling that will have consequences and impacts right across the country.” Aboriginals are eager now for the Federal Government’s implementation plans.

Historic Saugeen Métis feel that regardless of status or identity it was a good day for Canada’s indigenous people.

President Archie Indoe,
Historic Saugeen Métis