
Kevin Larson, candidate for BWDSB Trustee

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"Time to Have a Say on Schools"

“In general terms, past board of education members seem to have spent more time being surrogates for the provincial ministry than representatives of the people who elected them” (Jim Merriam, 08AUG2018, Sun Times).

A bit tough, but Jim is correct to point out that your trustee has to be able to speak up when needed. I have that track record - of speaking up for our local schools and acting on local issues. That has involved taking issues right to the Minister of Education. I will continue to be that advocate.

But being engaged provincially is only part of the job.

One of the most important jobs for the local trustee is to review and set policy for the school board.

Policy work often helps establish priorities for the board. This is important. What is also important - is helping the public and parents navigate the system and influence decision-making. That’s where I come in.

I often say a parent’s best friend is the telephone. I’m only a phone call away.

What will be my priorities? I have three key ones:

1. Student safety and well-being will remain my #1 priority.
2. I will be a trustee who responds to the concerns of the public, as I have done in the past.
3. To be frugal with every penny - for the benefit of our students.

Public education remains my commitment.

I ask for your support. Please vote for Kevin Larson for Bluewater District School Board trustee.

I will close by relaying supporting words from two past student trustees of the board:

"Over my term as the BWDSB student trustee I had the honour and privilege to sit at the same board table as Trustee Kevin Larson. Kevin is the type of trustee that asks the important questions, makes sure nothing gets overlooked and puts in the time and effort. It's obvious to me that he is passionate about the voice of his constituents being heard and that he values the voice of the students. Kevin should be considered an asset on the board of trustees."
Reed Bell
BWDSB Student Trustee
Sep 2013 to Aug 2015

“During the two years I served as student trustee for the BWDSB (2012-2013; 2013-2014) I came to respect the consistent level of passion, hard work and professional integrity of Trustee Kevin Larson. In that time, Kevin proved on many occasions that he is one of the strongest supporters of the student voice in the BWDSB. Students of the Board would benefit greatly from having an experienced advocate such as Kevin Larson at the Board table.”
Bronwynne Harvey
BWDSB Student Trustee
Past President
Public Board Council
Ontario Student Trustees’ Association

See also: Katie Lutz, candidate for BWDSB Trustee

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