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1RaceStart560Crowds lined the beach at Pioneer Park to watch the teams get ready to race at the sixth annual Marine Heritage Festival, July 23.

Hub Staff

There was displays and events aplenty at Pioneer Park in Southampton, Saturday, July 23 for the sixth annual Marine Heritage Festival.

The main attraction was the cardboard boat races with hundreds of people lining the beach to watch and cheer on the participants.

Twenty-seven boats in all signed up with the races broken down into five categories: 12 and Under, Teens, 19 and Over, Family and Corporate / Service Clubs; with awards given to the fastest in each category.

Under the watchful eye of Captain Wayne Sparrow, a.k.a. Wayne Kaufman, as well as the Saugeen Shores Lifesaving Club, competitors raced against one another hoping that their boat building skills were enough for their boat to make it around the course without sinking.

New this year was an extra 'Lap for Loot' race, in which each boat that remained seaworthy after their individual race could enter. Seven boats in all did the extra lap with each of the five categories represented. Bruce Explorer from the 12 and Under category came out victorious, winning the small chest of loot.

One of the most colourful groups was the Chantry Island Cham-bettes who arrived en masse dressed in pink and carrying a couple of inflatable flamingos to help support their cardboard boat Cham-mingo and its crew, Carol Kilday and Darlene Welsh.

“It was fabulous and it’s [the Cham-bettes’] 60th year,” said Welsh after their race. They came second in their Corporate and Service Club category and took the honour of People’s Choice. Welsh said they had practiced for the race in a canoe on a pond at the back of her house. “It's a little bit different when you get in [the cardboard boat] and then get on the water,” she said.

Another special award, 'Best Sinking', went to 94.5 Classic Rock's Captain Ivan and the SS Classic Rock which seemed to be in trouble from the start of its race against 98 The Beach's much sturdier entry.

Sam Weichel, representing Martin's Bicycle Shop in Queen Jill's Revenge took the top Corporate and Service Club’s prize for the third year running, completing the course circuit and then going around for a second lap, overtaking his struggling competitor.

Winners for each category were:

12 and Under: First, Rainbow Rocket; Second, Razor Shark 3; Third, Minion Rush

Teens: First, Victoria Squared

19 and Over: First, The Frying Dutchman; Second, Captain Cook; Third, Breaking Wind

Family: First, Willy B Dragon; Second, Captain Cook; Third, Shark Tail

Corporate and Service Clubs: First, Queen Jill's Revenge (Martin's Bicycle Shop); Second, Cham-Mingo (Chantry Island Chambettes); Third, The Opti-Mist (The Optimist Club)

People's Choice Award: Cham-Mingo (Chantry Island Chambettes)

Best Sinking: SS Classic Rock (94.5 Classic Rock)

2Sam Weichel560Sam Weichel representing Martin's Bicycle Shop took the Corporate and Service Clubs Award for the third year in a row.

3Chambettes560Captain Wayne Sparrow (front, centre) with the Chantry Island Cham-bettes who came to support their cardboard boat and its crew.

4CaptainSparrow560Captain Wayne Sparrow, centre, a.k.a. Wayne Kaufman with The Wench, a.k.a. Brenda Vanderploeg, left; and Sparrow's woman, a.k.a. Deb Kaufman at the Marine Heritage Festival's cardboard boat races, July 23.

5FamilyWinnersWilkens560Captain Sparrow with the Wilken family from Port Elgin who won the Family award with their boat, the Willy B Dragon. Left to right, Captain Sparrow, Jamie, 6 year old Eldon and 4 year old Claire.