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Open fullFeast For The Eyes, a Juried Art Exhibition will be displayed in the Southampton Art Gallery from April 1 until May 8. Anyone who visits during this time has the chance to vote for “People’s Choice”. The winner will be announced at the end of the exhibition.

Hub Staff

Five awards including “Best in Show” were given out during the 14th annual Feast for the Eyes Juried Art Exhibition April 1, at the Southampton Art Gallery.

The exhibition for emerging artists will be on display in the newly renovated gallery from April 1 until May 8 and gallery visitors will be able to vote for the Peoples Choice Award throughout the exhibition.

“Feast, is a show explicitly for local and emerging artists, people who have gotten themselves to an intermediate level of art,” said Gallery Director, April Patry.

“We do have a couple of students around high school aged that are participating. We encourage all mediums to submit. This year we had about 63 pieces of art that were submitted, not all made it into the show. I think we probably have about 50 in the show, and from that it was whittled down to five winners.

Bird bath vertical 240Will Krisza’s sculptured bird bath earned the title “Best in Show”.

Of the five winners, “Best in Show” went to Will Krisza, for his sculptural bird bath that was called both “ambitious” and “imaginative”.

The Jane Champagne Courage of Your Conviction Award, an award that goes to an artist that is thinking outside the box, went to Jenny Iserman for her piece “Abandoned in Arran Elderslie”.

The Photography Award went to Julia Wells for her perfectly timed photo of her five-year-old daughter, which included “rich lighting” in “Given To Fly”.

The Ellen Park Award for Excellence in the Representation of Still Life, Portraits or Landscapes went to Caroline Menzies’ landscape of Inglis Falls titled “Inglis in January”. It was the first time Menzies had ever submitted art work to be judged, and her win took her by surprise. “I’ve never won anything, so I’m going to milk it for awhile,” Menzies said following her win.

And finally the Art Appreciation Award for Excellence in Abstract Art went the Lori Pearson with “Froth”, which showcased expect technique in layering colour and texture.

Since the renovation, Patry said the gallery saw an increase in foot traffic over the winter months. She is eager to see what the spring and summer months will bring.

Wells full2Julia Wells took the perfect photo of her daughter’s reflection in her photograph “Given to Fly”, which earned her an award for Best Photography during the opening of Feast For The Eyes, April 1.

April fullSouthampton Art Gallery Director April Patry, announced the names of five award winners to those in attendance during the Feast For The Eyes opening April 1.

Menzies full2Caroline Menzies, the proud winner of the Ellen Park Award for Excellence in the Representation of Still Life, Portraits or Landscapes with her piece, “Inglis in January”.