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southampton tennis club cups day 10 560Andrew Bates during Men’s Doubles action at the Southampton Tennis Club’s Cups Day August 26. Photo by David Bradshaw.

Hub Staff

After a month of match-ups, 230 to be exact, the Southampton Tennis Club held its annual Cups Day, now in its 61st year, on August 26 at the club’s many courts throughout Southampton. “The whole month of August is essentially a month-long tennis tournament, “ said Club Chair and Director of Marketing Kathy Festeryga August 28.

Festeryga said that Cups Day is always the last Saturday in August and that most of the higher profile match-ups play at their Lake Street location with the five courts at their South Street location also being used. “Otherwise we’d be here two days if we played here (Lake Street location),” joked the Chair.

“We couldn't have asked for better weather so the crowds really came out,” she added. “There’s always people who literally park lawn chairs the night before in between the park benches to get their seat and a lot of people they don't move all day and they’ll write their names on their chairs because they want a good seat.”

In all, 55 trophies were handed out at a presentation following the day’s match-ups with players ranging in age from Under 10 through to grandparents. A full list of results can be viewed at the Cups Day Results page at southamptontennisclub.ca.

Festeryga said that standout games was the fast paced Men’s Doubles. “They hit so hard, we’re all amateurs and it’s pretty fantastic tennis for people who aren’t really on the pro-circuit.” The Club Chair also acknowledged the youthful members of the Southampton Tennis Club. “The under 18, the under 16 kids, it’s amazing how they hit the ball...the difference in technique style and how they hit is just miles ahead of when I learned to play,” she said.

In early 2017 the Southampton Tennis Club started work on the Club’s uptown courts on Thompson Lane, the two courts were in need of repair and were special to the Club as they were the first two courts on which the Club got its start in 1956.

“Everybody felt really good that we did the courts...they're our only courts that have lights... so when we have round-robins, especially in August when we lose the light earlier, we go up there and play all the finals under the lights.” It was also noted that bookings for the two refurbished courts had gone up throughout the summer, with Festeryga calling the comparison “night and day.”

The Southampton Tennis Club ends its season Labour Day Monday but welcomes players to practise on the courts into the fall.

southampton tennis club cups day 8 560Kate Calzonetti during the mother daughter match-up with mother Laura Di Silvestro (not pictured). Photo by David Bradshaw

southampton tennis club cups day 7 560Steve Kopf takes a swing during Southampton Tennis Club’s Cups Day August 26. Photo by David Bradshaw.

southampton tennis club cups day 4 1 560On the left, Junior Vet Doubles runners-up Graham Parkes, Tim Wright, with winner Phil Staite (not pictured Paco Beltran) with Senior Instructor Nathan Wright-Edwards (presenter). On the right, Men’s Senior Vet Doubles runner-up Dan Luscombe (left), winner Bernie Kent (not pictured Peter Bourne) and runner-up Cal Morton. Photos by Bob Kopf.

southampton tennis club cups day 6 5 560On the left, the Good Sportsmanship Award went to Kenzie Bourassa (right) and was presented by Senior Instructor Ashley Gibbons. On the right, Women’s Junior Vets singles Champion Nam Bourassa, pictured with Senior Instructor Annie Brandt (presenter). Photos by Bob Kopf.

southampton tennis club cups day 2 560Junior Vet Mixed Doubles winners Mike and Caroline Killeen with runners-up Deb Scott and Bob Wilson. Photo by Bob Kopf.