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gillianPort Elgin’s Gillian Russell made spiking look easy during one of her many games at S.A.S.S.’s Welcome to Summer Beach Volleyball Tournament June 18 at Port Elgin’s Main Beach.

Hub Staff

Many serves, spikes and sunburns graced Port Elgin’s Main Beach June 18 during Social Athletics of Saugeen Shores’ (S.A.S.S.) annual Welcome to Summer Beach Volleyball Tournament.

A record breaking 36 teams were involved in this year’s tournament that used eight courts and ran from 9 a.m. until approximately 8 p.m. and featured live music, a beer garden and barbecue provided by The Wismer House.

Tournament winners of the Recreational division were Tips and Passes coming out on top with second going to How I Set Your Mother.

Competitive division saw Sand Diggers in first with the Super Squirrels placing second.

A fundraising barbecue and tournament was also held in June 17. Merchant versus Merchant as well as a 2’s match-up raised $850 for the Liv-A-Little Foundation.

jordenAlthough Dirty Birds player Jorden (white shirt) from Paris, Ontario had a mean spike, the Birds were no match against the Super Squirrels at the Welcome to Summer Beach Volleyball Tournament, June 18 at Port Elgin’s Main Beach.

DuncanPancake Panda player Duncan Hamann helped his team claim victory over Sets on Fire, during the Welcome to Summer Beach Volleyball Tournament June 18.

bump n grindThe 2015 Recreation League Champions Bumpn Grind, from left: Brian Roach, Leanne Grant, Gloria Delima and Dan McArthur.

liv a littleProceeds from the fundraising barbecue and tournament action on June 17 raised $850 that was presented to the Liv-A-Little Foundation, June 18.