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SSUFC U18 Girls 2017 560The Saugeen Shores United Football Club U18 Girls claimed the tournament champion title as well as league champions. Photo submitted

Hub Staff

Saugeen Shores United Football Club (SSUFC) had a successful couple of weeks winning three championships over two weekends.

The U15 Boys proved themselves worthy of a Lakeshore SL Tournament Championship title under Coach Todd Barton. They finished the season in the middle of a pack of 12 teams but found their way to a 3-0 finish against the top teams in a year end tournament held in Hanover.

The U15B Girls found their way to a championship title at the Lakeshore SL Tournament under Coach Lydia Ernst. The final game against Markdale was a nail biter with Saugeen Shores ahead 2-1, they brought their team to a score of 3-2 but not long after Markdale came back to tie it up. The girls played hard and won off the boot of Emma Moore in extra time. Moore notched a total of 34 goals between season and tournament play.

Jeff Virgo’s U18 Girls team claimed the title of tournament champions as well as league champions. They made their way to a win over Markdale at the JH Robertson Soccer Fields in Saugeen Shores, then pulled out a win against second place team, Kincardine.

Virgo, SSUFC President and Lakeshore Soccer Club Rep said that with fall just around the corner, the soccer club will be preparing for the AGM in October, as well as getting ready for registration kick off January 1, 2018. Minor soccer as a whole saw over 500 youth registrants this season.

“We hope to see our teams get stronger, with more skills camps, tournaments, development of the coaching ranks at all levels,” said Virgo in an August 28 email. “Without our great group of volunteers, from the executive level and operation committee to our wonderful coaches who did amazing jobs on and off the field.”

SSUFC U15 Boys 2017The Saugeen Shores United Football Club U15 Boys ended the season tournament champions. Photo submitted

SSUFC U15B Girls 2017 560The Saugeen Shores United Football Club U15B Girls team made their way to a championship title. Photo submitted