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2015funattack fullIt’s back and this year the Fitness Funatics annual FUN Attack is going to be better than ever.

The event will begin at 8:00 a.m. on April 9, with participants doing a variety of workouts over a 5 hour period – from Spinning, Kickboxing, Pumping muscle, TRX and Boot Camp. What a marathon – and all without any running. Test yourself and have fun all while raising money for a good cause.

The goal this year is to raise $10,000 to go towards the purchase of a paediatric crash cart. The Southampton Emergency Room needs to update this piece of equipment to help save the lives of children in case of a serious emergency.

To participate, sign up at Fitness Funatics by visiting their Facebook page, their website, or by calling Shelley Greig at 519-389-2348.2015funattack22015funattack3