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throwbocopsHub Staff

After winning 12 straight games throughout their fall season, the deadly Throwbocops dominated the competition in the inaugural fall Dodgeball tournament December 11 at École Port Elgin Saugeen Central School.

Put on by the Social Athletics of Saugeen Shores (S.A.S.S.) the single knockout tournament saw competitors dodge, skid, catch, and dive in some heated match-ups.

Just the Tip placed second, edging out the Dodgefathers in the semi-final. The final match-up of Throwbocops versus Just the Tip saw both teams, dressed in black, go into overtime during the hour-long game that ended with the score of 9 to 8 in the ‘Cops’ favour.

S.A.S.S. representative Dylan Wake said the tournament was a success despite some last minute hiccups.

“The tournament went well, we had a disappointing number of no shows which wasted a lot of gym time that we could have given to the teams that wanted to play had we known in advance. But I know that the people who did play had fun, and it looked like everyone was having a great time socializing at the Queens Bar & Grill afterwards.”

The top five teams during the regular season were: 1. Throwbocops, 2. The Originals, 3. Average Hoes, 4. Just The Tip, 5. Sons of the Mustard Tiger.Just the TiptimingMark Cameron